Banco Central do Brasil, Sâo Paulo
August 13, 2010


The papers and presentations are available on the Central Bank of Brazil's website at

Opening Remarks
Henrique Meirelles, Banco Central do Brasil
Opening Lecture
Adriana Soares Sales, Banco Central do Brasil

Bank Size, Market Concentration, and US Bank Earnings Volatility in the Wake of the Global Financial Crisis

Jakob de Haan, Netherlands Bank
Session I: Credit Market in Brazil
Alexandre A. Tombini, Banco Central do Brasil

Macroeconomic Drivers of Brazilian's Enterprise Default
Clodoaldo Aparecido Annibal
, Banco Central do Brasil

Financial Instability and Credit Constraint: Evidence from the Cost of Bank Financing
Bruno Silva Martins, Banco Central do Brasil

Darius Miller, Southern Methodist University
Session II: Risk Management
Alvir A. Hoffmann, Banco Central do Brasil

Default Correlation: An Empirical Investigation of Brazilian Retail Loans

Antônio Carlos Magalhães da Silva, Banco Central do Brasil

Liquidity Shock and Credit Risk in Brazil: A Dynamic General Equilibrium Approach
Marcos Soares da Silva, Banco Central do Brasil

Márcio Nakane, USP
Panel Discussion: The Global Crisis and its Consequences
Carlos Hamilton V. Araujo, Banco Central do Brasil

Sovereign Debt Crisis: Trying to Prevent Contagion
Jouko Vilmunen, Bank of Finland

The Financial Crisis of 2007-2008 in the United States

Gerald P. Dwyer Jr., Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta
Closing Remarks